Elképesztő átalakuláson ment át a lány, akit állandóan szekáltak a külseje miatt (FOTÓK)

A 24 éves, svájci Celine Centino tiniként még gúnyolódás és szekálás célpontja volt iskolájában. Osztálytársai folyamatosan bántották külseje miatt.

Minden nap szekáltak, és mindig más miatt. Mert úgy nézek ki, mint egy fiú, nincsenek melleim vagy a fenekem túl nagy, az arcom csúnya

– mondta a Zürichben élő svájci nő. Celine-t annyira megviselték a gúnyolódások, hogy egy idő után már be sem mert menni az iskolába, inkább betegnek hazudta magát.

Celine pictured before her surgery at the time she was bullied (4). THIS STUNNING Pamela Anderson wannabe went from being viciously bullied for her looks to making men go crazy after she spent over L38K on plastic surgery including THREE BOOB JOBS that increased her breast size to a 34FF. Instagram star, Celine Centino (24), from Zurich, Switzerland, was bullied for her looks daily during her teen years and was called ‘ugly’ or told that her ‘ass is too fat’. The bullying got so severe that she would call in sick at school to avoid the judgements. Her constant insecurities motivated her to save up money by working shifts at as a hairdresser to afford plastic surgery to finally feel happy in her own skin. Over four years from September 2013, she ended up having three boob jobs, a nose job and cheek, lip and chin fillers that costed a whopping L38.7K (50K CHF). The three boob jobs increased her bra size from a 34A to a 34FF and she says she now feels confident and happy. With over 43K followers on Instagram, she has received positive comments from strangers about her exotic look. Celine Centino / mediadrumworld.com ***EXCLUSIVE***
Celine, a plasztikai műtétek előtt. Fotó: Celine Centino / mediadrumworld.com

Celine egyre kevésbé érezte jól magát a saját bőrében, ezért úgy döntött, hogy plasztikai műtétekkel oldja meg a problémát. 

2013 szeptemberétől kezdve négy éven keresztül több műtéten is átesett. Háromszor nagyobbították meg a mellét, átalakították az orrát, feltöltötték az ajkait, az arcát és állát. Mindez összesen 50 ezer svájci frankot emésztett fel.

Az eredmény pedig elképesztő:

Celine pictured after her surgery (13). THIS STUNNING Pamela Anderson wannabe went from being viciously bullied for her looks to making men go crazy after she spent over L38K on plastic surgery including THREE BOOB JOBS that increased her breast size to a 34FF. Instagram star, Celine Centino (24), from Zurich, Switzerland, was bullied for her looks daily during her teen years and was called ‘ugly’ or told that her ‘ass is too fat’. The bullying got so severe that she would call in sick at school to avoid the judgements. Her constant insecurities motivated her to save up money by working shifts at as a hairdresser to afford plastic surgery to finally feel happy in her own skin. Over four years from September 2013, she ended up having three boob jobs, a nose job and cheek, lip and chin fillers that costed a whopping L38.7K (50K CHF). The three boob jobs increased her bra size from a 34A to a 34FF and she says she now feels confident and happy. With over 43K followers on Instagram, she has received positive comments from strangers about her exotic look. Celine Centino / mediadrumworld.com ***EXCLUSIVE***
Celine átváltozása egészen elképesztő. Fotó: Celine Centino / mediadrumworld.com

Elmondása szerint új külsejével sokkal magabiztosabb, és lelkileg is erősebb lett. Ha most mond valaki csúnyát róla, már lerázza magáról a kritikákat.

Celine pictured after her surgery (7). THIS STUNNING Pamela Anderson wannabe went from being viciously bullied for her looks to making men go crazy after she spent over L38K on plastic surgery including THREE BOOB JOBS that increased her breast size to a 34FF. Instagram star, Celine Centino (24), from Zurich, Switzerland, was bullied for her looks daily during her teen years and was called ‘ugly’ or told that her ‘ass is too fat’. The bullying got so severe that she would call in sick at school to avoid the judgements. Her constant insecurities motivated her to save up money by working shifts at as a hairdresser to afford plastic surgery to finally feel happy in her own skin. Over four years from September 2013, she ended up having three boob jobs, a nose job and cheek, lip and chin fillers that costed a whopping L38.7K (50K CHF). The three boob jobs increased her bra size from a 34A to a 34FF and she says she now feels confident and happy. With over 43K followers on Instagram, she has received positive comments from strangers about her exotic look. Celine Centino / mediadrumworld.com ***EXCLUSIVE***
Celine a műtétek után Fotó: Celine Centino / mediadrumworld.com

Celine-nek most több mint negyvenezer követője van az Instagramon, ahol egymás után kapja a dicséreteket külsejére. „A férfiak megőrülnek értem” – mondta a nő, majd hozzátette: ha most találkozna valamelyik korábbi szekálójával, figyelemre sem méltatná.
